Nyan Cat Nyan Cat $300000
 Category: Appliances Contact: thermostat13@hotmail.com Location: At the end of the rainbow Details: This is the REAL Nyan Cat and it is going on sale. The cat comes with a poptart costume that is easy to place on and off for those short moments of cuteness. As well, you will be able to attach a rainbow at the end of the cat so it will leave a trail of colour goodness. Finally, there is a chip implanted into the cat, that whenever the cat opens its mouth to yawn, or eat, or decides to stare at you with its mouth hanging open in pure cuteness, the famous Nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan nyan nyan song will play. This will be sure to delight the whole family.
There are only 40 Nyan Cats left. Get one before it's too late!
Time posted: August 4, 2011, 1:43 am Seller: Nikky